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Monday, April 11, 2011

Ernestine Shepherd: 74 years old and in the best shape of her life!

One of my goals for 2011 is to change my body shape. I want definition, tone, fitness and stamina. Yes, I want it all!

It has been exactly one year since I last did ANY form of exercise, so I decided to buy some gym equipment and have set up my own fitness plan to begin working out at home. I then thought wouldn’t it be a great idea to have a picture of the physique of someone whose shape I aspire. Being a highly visual person, it is important that I can physically 'see' what it is that I want to achieve.

Ernestine, pictured here at age 72
So, I started browsing the internet in search of this image that I could see in my mind.

And, during my search I stumbled across Ernestine Shepherd.

Some of you may have heard of her, but I had not.

Now, brace yourself folks, whether you are a gym junkie or couch spud, this woman is going to leave an indelible mark on you today... and maybe for a long time.

Ernestine Shepherd is 74 years old, excuse me 74 years young!! Yes, I repeat, seventy-four years of age.

She was awarded a place in the Guinness Book of World Records for being the oldest female bodybuilder, ever. She began working out at the age of 56 after her sister passed away from brain aneurysm and has dedicated her life to her own health ever since.

Her motto is: ‘Determined, Dedicated and Disciplined’ and she can be seen daily wearing her motivational tee shirts where she trains members at her local church in Baltimore, US.

Working out with her personal trainer
Now to give you a little background on this wonderful lady, she wakes up at 3am every single day to commence her workout, which usually starts with a 10 mile run and THEN she hits the weights. This 5 foot 5 inches iron woman is also a certified personal trainer and can bench press 150-lbs!

Just looking at this woman, I feel breathless, in awe, humbled, hope-full, inspired – but mostly empowered because of what she has achieved and continues to achieve within herself. Of course she has an amazing physique, but she is also highly disciplined, happy, strong and her beauty shines from the inside, out. This is one woman I would like to meet one day.

Mrs Ernestine Shepherd is a true inspiration to me and how I now envisage myself physically, mentally and spiritually at the age of 70 and beyond. Ernestine, you have sparked a lifestyle commitment for me now and I commend your determination, discipline and dedication. Thank You.

I hope this has touched you in some place in you as it has me, so that you can also take action on your health. Today.

Stay Blessed.

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